Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Documentation for setting up Extensions

Documentation for setting up Extensions
1.       Log into Maint
2.       Highlight PBX and go to PBX settings
3.       Under Basic click on Extensions
4.       Click on the orange Add Extension button
5.       Leave the device as Generic SIP Device and click Submit
6.       Input the User Extension, Display Name, and Secret.  You can find these attached.
7.       Click Submit.
8.       Click on the orange Apply Configuration Changes button in the top right corner.  Click on Continue With Reload.
9.       Repeat for all of your extensions.

Setting up X-lite
1.       Go to, and click on the orange Download Now button.
2.       Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the grey Download button.
3.       Click on the grey Download X-Lite 4 for Windows button
4.       At the top of the page, click on the here button in the sentence “To begin your download, please click here.”
5.       Download and allow the X-Lite setup to run.   When it prompts you to install additional files, click the OK button.
6.       Start X-Lite 4, if it does not start itself.  Click on Softphone, and click Account Settings.
7.       Input the User ID, which is your extension.  An example of this is 201
8.       Input the Domain, which is the IP of your trixbox.  An example of this is
9.       Input the Password, and the Display Name.  An example of the Display Name is WIN201.
10.   Click the OK button.

Zoiper Configuration

1. Open up a browser and go to
2. Click on the "Downloads" button at the top of the page
3. Find the Linux link under "Zoiper Classic" and click on the "Download" button.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Download Free" button.
5. Click to Save the file, and open the folder.
6. Right click the Zoiper.tar.gz file, and click extract.  Create a folder on the desktop, and run the file.
7. When Zoiper asks if you want to start on log-in, make a selection.  Zoiper's main GUI pops up.
8. Click on the wrench on the right side, for options.
9. Create a new SIP configuration, and name it.
10. Add the options for your SIP.  In this example, the domain is, the username is 204, and add the secret on your account.
11. Save your options and exit.


We rolled with a man short today, but still got deep into stage two.

Austin worked on getting DHCP set up on the untangle server, as well as ensuring all necessary ports were forwarded, and that DNS was correctly configured.

Ron continued to work with the client computers, with his main focuses being ensuring that DHCP was working ok, and getting GPG working for encryption.  He conferred with the other groups and decided to use GPG version 2 instead of version 1, and worked to set it up before the day was over.

Kris worked on his email server, and then set up the backup trixbox server.

Adam ensured that all of the configurations were set correctly for the primary trixbox server, then proceeded to write out documentation for it (to follow).  He also helped Kris with setting up the trixbox server.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Figured out today, with help from Kelly, that checking the mail server box made it so that Zimbra would be impossible to set up.  The class is very close to finishing stage one of the project.

The Zimbra server heads ended up wiping their drives once again in order to install Zimbra correctly, and it finally worked.  Kris spent much of the day setting this up, prepping the system for the Zimbra install, and finally installing the Zimbra server successfully.  Adam watched over his shoulder in order to see the setup as well as double checking his work as he went against the documentation.

Ron continued to work with the Thunderbird program on the Debian box, and is very close to getting it to work.  He completed setting up Filezilla as a client on the client computers as well.  He also worked on trying to figure out who the back-up leads are for the specific servers, as well as checking to see what steps we needed to complete stage 1.

Austin added fully qualified domain names to the untangle server.

Don set up Filezilla on the LAMP server, and verified SSH.  However, SSH isn't quite finished.  It's set up, but the complete documentation didn't completely work on his box, so he's going back through to see where it went wrong.

Overall, a pretty productive day as we move within reach of finishing Stage one.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today was a lecture / workday.  We reorganized our efforts, with the idea from Kelly that Trixbox may not need as much management at this stage as the Trix-team originally predicted.  Also, most of the desktops had been configured, so Ron and Adam helped out where more help was currently needed today, and Ron worked on setting up software for Linux boxes as well.

Don and Adam worked mostly on the LAMP server for the majority of the day.  The LAMP server did not start up automatically, being the first big issue we needed to resolve.  They eventually resolved this in the web GUI by going to webmin / configuration, and selecting the 'yes' button on the "Start on boot" command.  Upon restarting several times, they found that this correctly changed it to boot automatically on startup.  The next thing they dealt with was getting phpmyadmin to work.  While it worked before, they were having trouble with getting it to run again.  Don updated the packages for the web GUI, and that seems to have fixed the problem.

Untangle team continued to work on port forwarding and setting firewall rules throughout the day as needed.

The Zimbra team was working on reworking their Debian servers before the got Zimbra installed.  Kris began to install dependencies needed to install the Zimbra server.

Ron worked on installing both Libre Office and Thunderbird.  He used the Libre Office readme file in order to setup it up successfully.  Thunderbird has also been setup, but not configured, pending the Zimbra servers.  He is currently working on getting a shortcut placed onto the desktop for easier access.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Untangle Documentation

Untangle Install
1.       Press F12 for boot menu. Select boot from CD.
2.       Select Graphical Install (normal)
3.       Select English
4.       Select American English
5.       Select Pacific time zone
6.       Click continue
7.       Click yes to format “It will go through formating and installing the base system”
8.       Click continue
9.       Click the top option
10.   Select English, Click next
11.   Click next
12.   Set password and time zone
13.   Select network card- eth0
14.   Change IP to static. IP:, netmask:, Gateway:, PrimDNS:, 2ndDNS:
15.   Set router IP:, netmask:, Disable DHCP
16.   Set up email. Click advanced, put the email address to team email, set the from address to
17.   Test email
18.   Click finish
19.   Select the lite package
20.   Click download
21.   Click create an account tab
22.   Add info to create account
23.   Close account window when told to
24.   The download will start.

Untangle setup after install
1.       Put in DNS information for each server, client, and the untangle box on the untangle server under the DNS tab.
2.       Create a new rule in windows for ICMP.
3.       Go to Windows Firewall in Control panel
4.       Click on Advanced settings in left side
5.       Select Inbound Rule, Right clink on it and select New Rule
6.       Select Custom
7.       Click on Protocol type and select ICMPv4
8.       Click next until finished

Trixbox Documentation

Boot to the CD-ROM
When the trixbox loading screen appears, press the <ENTER> button.
The trixbox screen will load, saying Welcome to Trixbox.  Choose your keyboard layout and press enter.  We choose the US keyboard layout.
Trixbox will run the installer anaconda, and probe for the video card
The installer GUI appears again.  Select your time zone and press <SPACE>.  We choose US/Los Angeles
Choose a Root password for your system.  For example, P@ssw0rd.  Press Space to accept.
trixbox will check for the dependencies needed in the packages being installed.
trixbox will then begin to format the hard-drive.
Trixbox will begin to install on the machine.
The machine restarts after trixbox finishes installing.
The eth0 startup will fail.  This is because network settings still have to be configured.
The trixbox login screen appears.  Login as root with your default root password.
The prompt will appear.  The first thing you will do is setup the network.  Type ‘setup’ and hit <ENTER>
A list of options will appear.  Go to network configuration and hit the <ENTER> button.
Another list will appear.  ‘Edit devices’ and ‘Edit DNS configuration’.  First, select ‘Edit Devices’ and press <ENTER>
The ‘Edit devices’ screen will bring up your NICs.  Select the NIC that will be incorporated with your trixbox and press <ENTER>
Once you’ve selected the NIC, uncheck the DHCP box and put in your IP settings.  For this computer, we put,,  Then scroll to OK and press <ENTER>
Save your settings and press <ENTER>
Next, select ‘Edit DNS configuration” and press <ENTER>
Change the settings in your DNS configuration to match your DNS.  For the hostname, we put  and for the Primary DNS  Save your settings and press <ENTER>.
Highlight the Save and Quit button and press <ENTER>
Turn off the following services:  Acpid, apmd, atd, auditd, autofs, dahdi, firstboot, irqbalance, microcode_ctl, netfs, nfslock, portmap, rawdevices, readahead_early, restorecond, rpcgssd, rpcidmad, smartd, tftp, vsftpd, xfs, yum-updatesd,
Turn on the memcached service.  The mDNSResponder and zaptel are not available at this time.  Press the OK button and exit from the setup gui.
Send the reset signal (init 6) to the trixbox, and restart the computer.
Select the default boot setting and let the system start up.
Interface eth0 should boot without issue this time. 
Now, switch the devices on the setup screen.  Switch your Eth1 device to Eth0 and Eth0 to Eth1
Send the reset signal (init 6) once more.  When your computer boots up, you should be able to use the gigabit connection by default.
Log into the trixbox server.  Change your maint password for logging into the GUI by inputting the passwd-maint command.
Go to a client machine, and open Mozilla Firefox.  Point your browser to the IP address of the trixbox server.
On the main screen, switch to admin mode using the username / password you set up before.
Close the registration box.  Go to ‘Settings’ and ‘Registration’, and click the “Don’t ask me to register again.” Button.

Debian 5.0.8 / Zimbra installation (Updated 11/23/2011)

Debian Installation
1.       Graphical Install
2.       Choose Language :
a.       English <Continue>
b.      United States  <Continue>
3.       Select a keyboard layout:
a.       American English <Continue>
4.       Configure the network:
a.       Eth0: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller <Continue>
c.       Configure network manually <Continue>
                                                               i.      Enter IP Address: <Continue>
                                                             ii.      Netmask: <Continue>
                                                            iii.      Gateway: <Continue>
                                                           iv.      Name Server Addresses: <Continue>
                                                             v.      Hostname: ZIM201 <Continue>
                                                           vi.      Domain name: <Continue>
5.       Configure the clock:
a.       Pacific <Continue>
6.       Partition disks
a.       Guided - use entire disk <Continue>
b.      IDE1 master (had) – 250.1 GB Hitachi HDP725025GLAT80 <Continue>
c.       All files in one partition (recommended for new users) <Continue>
d.      Finish partitioning and write changes to disk <Continue>
e.      Write the changes to disks? YES <Continue>
7.       Set up users and passwords:
a.       Root password: Password Here
b.      Re-enter password to verify: Password Here
c.       Full name for the new user: Full Name Here
d.      Username for your account: Username Here
e.      Choose a password for the new user:  Password Here
f.        Re-enter password to verify:  Password Here
8.       Configure the package manager:
a.       Scan another CD or DVD? NO <Continue>
b.      Use a network mirror? NO <Continue>
9.       Configuring popularity-contest:
a.       Participate in the package usage survey? NO <Continue>
10.   Software selection:
a.       Desktop environment
b.      Standard system
c.       <Continue>
11.   Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk:
a.       Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record? YES <Continue>
12.   Finish the installation: Installation complete - Restart system <Continue>
Debian Configuration
13.   Log in as the user you created
14.   System > Administration > Software Resources
a.       Under Debian Software tab
                                                               i.      Check Officially supported (main)
                                                             ii.      Check DFSG-compatible Software with Non-Free Dependencies (contrib)
                                                            iii.      Check Non-DFSG-compatible Software (non-free)
                                                           iv.      Check Source Code
                                                             v.      Downloaded code on MAIN SERVER
b.      Under Third-Party Software
                                                               i.      UNCHECK cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.8 _Lenny_- Official i386 DVD…….]
                                                             ii.      UNCHECK lenny/volatile main contrib
                                                            iii.      UNCHECK lenny/volatile main contrib. (Source Code)
c.       Under Updates tab –
                                                               i.      Check the Proposed updates (lenny-proposed-updates)
                                                             ii.      Click Close
                                                            iii.      Click Reload
15.   System > Network
a.       Double check the network settings are correct
16.   Go to tty2 (Ctrl+Alt+F2) and add you’re user to the Sudoers file using the following commands
a.       Log in as root
b.      cd /etc
c.       nano sudoers
d.      scroll down to where you find “#User privilege specification” and add the following:
                                                               i.      *Your username here*    ALL=PASSWD: ALL
e.      Save the file by pressing Ctrl+O
f.        Press enter to save
g.       Press Ctrl+X to exit nano
17.   LOGOUT of the tty2 Terminal
18.   Return to the GUI by pressing Alt+F7
19.   Open a terminal with root
a.       Run the apt-get update command
b.      Run the apt-get upgrade command
20.   System > Administration > Update Manager
a.       Check for Updates and update system
21.   Next, check that the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files are correct
22.   Use the command gedit /etc/resolv.conf file and add the other DNS Servers (Should look like the following)
a.       search
b.      domain
c.       nameserver
d.      nameserver
e.      nameserver

Zimbra Installation
1.       Open a terminal and remove the following packages with the following command (either use sudo before each command or elevate your privileges before doing the following)
a.       Apt-get remove –purge exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light
2.       Install the following packages
a.       Apt-get install libc6-i686 sudo libidn11 curl fetchmail libgmp3c2 libexpat1 libgetopt-mixed-perl libxm12 libstdc++6 libpcre3 libltd13 ssh
                                                               i.      Some are already installed and updated and some might not work
3.       Install the following packages using Synaptic Package Manager
a.       GCC
b.      Build-essential
c.       Kernal-package
d.      sysstat
e.      sqlite3
4.        Get zimbra file from classshare
5.       Through a terminal, elevate privileges, unpack the tarball by typing
a.       tar xzvf [zcsfullfilename]
6.       Change directory into the unpacked folder
a.       cd /[zcsfullfilename]
7.       Install Zimbra by typing the command
a.       ./
8.       Accept the User License Agreement
9.       Accept default answers for the packages to install
10.   Press Y to continue
11.   Message: DNS ERROR resolving MX for choose N and enter
12.   Port Conflicts
a.       Change Web server HTTP port to *what your team decided*
b.      Change Web Server HTTPS port to *what your team decided*
c.       Set Admin Password (option 4)
d.      Press a to apply changes and enter
e.      Save configuration data to a file? YES
f.        Enter to save to file name (/opt/zimbra/config.8728)
g.       The system will be modified – continue? YES
h.      Notify Zimbra of our Installation? Yes
i.         Su – zimbra to change users
j.        Zmcontrol start
k.       Zmcontrol status

13.   IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zimbra Configuration
1. Log into the web interface by going to your teams FQDN address with the port number attached (
2. Under the Configuration section, click Global Settings
3. Go to the MTA tab
4. Uncheck "Enable DNS lookups"
5. Under the Addresses section, click Accounts
6. Click New Account
7. General Information - Add the appropriate information (Minimum is Account name and Last name) and click Next
8. Contact Information - Enter the appropriate information. click Next
9. Aliases - If an alias is needed, add it here, otherwise click Next
10. Forwarding - If any forwarding is needed, add it here, otherwise click Next
11. Features - Choose the features the user can have, click Next
12. Preferences - If there are any changes needed to General Options, Mail options (sending, receiving and composing),  Address Book Options or Calendar Options, do it here, otherwise click Next
13. Themes - If any theme other than the default is preferred, change it here, otherwise click Next
14. Zimlets - Add or remove Zimlets here, click Next
15. Advanced - Set Quotas, Password preferences, failed login policy, and timeout policies here.  Click Finish
16. After the User is added go back to the Accounts section and set each users password by doing the following:
a.       Click the user you want to change the password to
b.      Click the Edit option on the top bar
c.       Under the General Information tab, scroll down to the Password section
d.      Enter a temporary password and confirm it
e.      Check the "Must change password" box so the user will set their own password
f.        Click Save from the top bar menu
g.       Password changed successfully

Day 3 10/31

We have discerned there are a few issues with the physical machines.  First we’ve tried to swap the CD-ROM to see if that was the issue, but it was not.  Teams 3 and 4 have LAMP server configured, but the physical ailments of desktops 5 and 6 in our row has kept us from setting up the LAMP server in row 2.
Team meeting to start the day, agreed to finish all primary drives by the end of the week, and be interconnected.
Trixbox team finished setting up a primary drive for 3rd and 4th rows, along with documentation, to follow.
Zimbra team set up their debian server, waiting on DNS to install Zimbra and any further progress.  Documentation to follow.
Untangle team switched cables to the standard agreed.  Changed settings to comply with changing all of the cables.
Client team got one debian box built and connected to the Untangle server.  There is a kernel issue with it, and Ron is trying to figure out what’s causing the error.  He documented everything, and those results too will be posted soon.