Debian Installation
1. Graphical Install
2. Choose Language :
a. English <Continue>
b. United States <Continue>
3. Select a keyboard layout:
a. American English <Continue>
4. Configure the network:
a. Eth0: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller <Continue>
c. Configure network manually <Continue>
i. Enter IP Address: <Continue>
ii. Netmask: <Continue>
iii. Gateway: <Continue>
iv. Name Server Addresses: <Continue>
v. Hostname: ZIM201 <Continue>
vi. Domain name: <Continue>
5. Configure the clock:
a. Pacific <Continue>
6. Partition disks
a. Guided - use entire disk <Continue>
b. IDE1 master (had) – 250.1 GB Hitachi HDP725025GLAT80 <Continue>
c. All files in one partition (recommended for new users) <Continue>
d. Finish partitioning and write changes to disk <Continue>
e. Write the changes to disks? YES <Continue>
7. Set up users and passwords:
a. Root password: Password Here
b. Re-enter password to verify: Password Here
c. Full name for the new user: Full Name Here
d. Username for your account: Username Here
e. Choose a password for the new user: Password Here
f. Re-enter password to verify: Password Here
8. Configure the package manager:
a. Scan another CD or DVD? NO <Continue>
b. Use a network mirror? NO <Continue>
9. Configuring popularity-contest:
a. Participate in the package usage survey? NO <Continue>
10. Software selection:
a. Desktop environment
b. Standard system
c. <Continue>
11. Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk:
a. Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record? YES <Continue>
12. Finish the installation: Installation complete - Restart system <Continue>
Debian Configuration
13. Log in as the user you created
14. System > Administration > Software Resources
a. Under Debian Software tab
i. Check Officially supported (main)
ii. Check DFSG-compatible Software with Non-Free Dependencies (contrib)
iii. Check Non-DFSG-compatible Software (non-free)
iv. Check Source Code
v. Downloaded code on MAIN SERVER
b. Under Third-Party Software
i. UNCHECK cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.8 _Lenny_- Official i386 DVD…….]
ii. UNCHECK lenny/volatile main contrib
iii. UNCHECK lenny/volatile main contrib. (Source Code)
c. Under Updates tab –
i. Check the Proposed updates (lenny-proposed-updates)
ii. Click Close
iii. Click Reload
15. System > Network
a. Double check the network settings are correct
16. Go to tty2 (Ctrl+Alt+F2) and add you’re user to the Sudoers file using the following commands
a. Log in as root
b. cd /etc
c. nano sudoers
d. scroll down to where you find “#User privilege specification” and add the following:
i. *Your username here* ALL=PASSWD: ALL
e. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+O
f. Press enter to save
g. Press Ctrl+X to exit nano
17. LOGOUT of the tty2 Terminal
18. Return to the GUI by pressing Alt+F7
19. Open a terminal with root
a. Run the apt-get update command
b. Run the apt-get upgrade command
20. System > Administration > Update Manager
a. Check for Updates and update system
21. Next, check that the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files are correct
22. Use the command gedit /etc/resolv.conf file and add the other DNS Servers (Should look like the following)
a. search
b. domain
c. nameserver
d. nameserver
e. nameserver
Zimbra Installation
1. Open a terminal and remove the following packages with the following command (either use sudo before each command or elevate your privileges before doing the following)
a. Apt-get remove –purge exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light
2. Install the following packages
a. Apt-get install libc6-i686 sudo libidn11 curl fetchmail libgmp3c2 libexpat1 libgetopt-mixed-perl libxm12 libstdc++6 libpcre3 libltd13 ssh
i. Some are already installed and updated and some might not work
3. Install the following packages using Synaptic Package Manager
a. GCC
b. Build-essential
c. Kernal-package
d. sysstat
e. sqlite3
4. Get zimbra file from classshare
5. Through a terminal, elevate privileges, unpack the tarball by typing
a. tar xzvf [zcsfullfilename]
6. Change directory into the unpacked folder
a. cd /[zcsfullfilename]
7. Install Zimbra by typing the command
a. ./
8. Accept the User License Agreement
9. Accept default answers for the packages to install
11. Message: DNS ERROR resolving MX for choose N and enter
12. Port Conflicts
a. Change Web server HTTP port to *what your team decided*
b. Change Web Server HTTPS port to *what your team decided*
c. Set Admin Password (option 4)
d. Press a to apply changes and enter
e. Save configuration data to a file? YES
f. Enter to save to file name (/opt/zimbra/config.8728)
g. The system will be modified – continue? YES
h. Notify Zimbra of our Installation? Yes
i. Su – zimbra to change users
j. Zmcontrol start
k. Zmcontrol status
13. IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zimbra Configuration
1. Log into the web interface by going to your teams FQDN address with the port number attached ( 2. Under the Configuration section, click Global Settings
3. Go to the MTA tab
4. Uncheck "Enable DNS lookups"
5. Under the Addresses section, click Accounts
6. Click New Account
7. General Information - Add the appropriate information (Minimum is Account name and Last name) and click Next
8. Contact Information - Enter the appropriate information. click Next
9. Aliases - If an alias is needed, add it here, otherwise click Next
10. Forwarding - If any forwarding is needed, add it here, otherwise click Next
11. Features - Choose the features the user can have, click Next
12. Preferences - If there are any changes needed to General Options, Mail options (sending, receiving and composing), Address Book Options or Calendar Options, do it here, otherwise click Next
13. Themes - If any theme other than the default is preferred, change it here, otherwise click Next
14. Zimlets - Add or remove Zimlets here, click Next
15. Advanced - Set Quotas, Password preferences, failed login policy, and timeout policies here. Click Finish
16. After the User is added go back to the Accounts section and set each users password by doing the following:
a. Click the user you want to change the password to
b. Click the Edit option on the top bar
c. Under the General Information tab, scroll down to the Password section
d. Enter a temporary password and confirm it
e. Check the "Must change password" box so the user will set their own password
f. Click Save from the top bar menu
g. Password changed successfully