Zimbra Documentation

Debian 5.0.8 and Zimbra
Debian Installation
1. Graphical Install <Continue>
2. English <Continue>
3. United States <Continue>
4. American English <Continue>
5. Eth0: Realtek NIC <Continue>
6. Network Autoconfig Failed <Continue>
7. Do not configure the network at this time <Continue>
8. Enter Hostname <ZIMteam01> <Continue>
8. Pacific Timezone <Continue>
9. Guided – use entire disk <Continue>
10. IDE1 master (hda) <Continue>
11. All files in one partition (recommended for new users) <Continue>
12. Finish partitioning and write changes to disk <Continue>
13. Make changes? Yes <Continue>
14. Set Root Password <Continue>
15. User Account Full name *Team2*(non administrative activities) <Continue>
16. Username for account *Team2* <Continue>
17. Set Password for Team1 <Continue>
18. Scan another CD: NO <Continue>
19. Participate in the package usage survey? :NO <Continue>
20. Add Mail Server to Software selection <Continue>
21. Install the GRUB boot loader on the hard disk: YES <Continue>
22. Reboot System <Continue>
23. Check Date and Time for your system
24. Go to: System>Administration>Network>General tab> add group to domain *Team1.cniss.cptc.edu*
25. Check /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files to make sure they’re configured correctly.
** /etc/hosts should list
 IP# localhost.team1.cniss.cptc.edu
IP# ZIM101.team1.cniss.cptc.edu             ZIM101
**/etc/hostname should show
26. Open Terminal – apt-get remove  - -purge exim4 exim4-base exim4-config exim4-daemon-light
27. Check Synaptic Package Manager for deletion
28. Install Zimbra and all dependencies

ZIM201:/home/team2/zcs-6.0.7_GA_2473.DEBIAN5.20100616212143# ./install.sh

Operations logged to /tmp/install.log.5832
Checking for existing installation...
    zimbra-ldap...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-logger...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-mta...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-snmp...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-store...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-apache...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-spell...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-convertd...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-memcached...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-proxy...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-archiving...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-cluster...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-core...NOT FOUND


License Terms for the Zimbra Collaboration Suite:

Press Return to continue

Checking for prerequisites...
     FOUND: sudo-1.6.9p17-3
     FOUND: libidn11-1.8+20080606-1
     FOUND: libpcre3-7.6-2.1
     FOUND: libgmp3c2-2:4.2.2+dfsg-3
     FOUND: libexpat1-2.0.1-4+lenny3
     FOUND: libstdc++6-4.3.2-1.1
Checking for suggested prerequisites...
    FOUND: perl-5.10.0
    FOUND: sysstat
Prerequisite check complete.

Checking for installable packages

Found zimbra-core
Found zimbra-ldap
Found zimbra-logger
Found zimbra-mta
Found zimbra-snmp
Found zimbra-store
Found zimbra-apache
Found zimbra-spell
Found zimbra-memcached
Found zimbra-proxy

Select the packages to install

Install zimbra-ldap [Y]

Install zimbra-logger [Y]

Install zimbra-mta [Y]

Install zimbra-snmp [Y]

Install zimbra-store [Y]

Install zimbra-apache [Y]

Install zimbra-spell [Y]

Install zimbra-memcached [N]

Install zimbra-proxy [N]
Checking required space for zimbra-core
checking space for zimbra-store


The system will be modified.  Continue? [N] y
Removing /opt/zimbra
Removing zimbra crontab entry...done.
Cleaning up zimbra init scripts...done.
Cleaning up /etc/ld.so.conf...done.
Cleaning up /etc/security/limits.conf...done.

Finished removing Zimbra Collaboration Suite.

Installing packages

Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.11182011-102110.log
Installing LDAP configuration database...done.
Setting defaults...

DNS ERROR resolving MX for zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
Change domain name? [Yes] n
Checking for port conflicts

Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:                                                 
   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled                      
   3) zimbra-store:                            Enabled                      
        +Create Admin User:                    yes                          
        +Admin user to create:                 admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
******* +Admin Password                        UNSET                        
        +Enable automated spam training:       yes                          
        +Spam training user:                   spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Non-spam(Ham) training user:          ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Global Documents Account:             wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +SMTP host:                            zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Web server HTTP port:                 80                           
        +Web server HTTPS port:                443                          
        +Web server mode:                      http                          
        +IMAP server port:                     143                          
        +IMAP server SSL port:                 993                          
        +POP server port:                      110                          
        +POP server SSL port:                  995                          
        +Use spell check server:               yes                          
        +Spell server URL:                     http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
        +Configure for use with mail proxy:    FALSE                        
        +Configure for use with web proxy:     FALSE                        
        +Enable version update checks:         TRUE                         
        +Enable version update notifications:  TRUE                         
        +Version update notification email:    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Version update source email:          admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled                      
   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled                      
   6) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled                      
   7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled                      
   8) Default Class of Service Configuration:                               
   r) Start servers after configuration        yes                          
   s) Save config to file                                                    
   x) Expand menu                                                           
   q) Quit                                   

Address unconfigured (**) items  (? - help) 3
Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes                          
   3) Admin user to create:                    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
** 4) Admin Password                           UNSET                         
   5) Enable automated spam training:          yes                          
   6) Spam training user:                      spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   7) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   8) Global Documents Account:                wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   9) SMTP host:                               zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    80                           
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   443                          
  12) Web server mode:                         http                         
  13) IMAP server port:                        143                          
  14) IMAP server SSL port:                    993                          
  15) POP server port:                         110                          
  16) POP server SSL port:                     995                          
  17) Use spell check server:                  yes                          
  18) Spell server URL:                        http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
  19) Configure for use with mail proxy:       FALSE                        
  20) Configure for use with web proxy:        FALSE                        
  21) Enable version update checks:            TRUE                         
  22) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE                         
  23) Version update notification email:       admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
  24) Version update source email:             admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4

Password for admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu (min 6 characters): [zy4f93qQSg] Enter Password here

Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes                          
   3) Admin user to create:                    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   4) Admin Password                           set                          
   5) Enable automated spam training:          yes                          
   6) Spam training user:                      spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   7) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   8) Global Documents Account:                wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   9) SMTP host:                               zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    80                           
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   443                          
  12) Web server mode:                         http                         
  13) IMAP server port:                        143                          
  14) IMAP server SSL port:                    993                          
  15) POP server port:                         110                          
  16) POP server SSL port:                     995                          
  17) Use spell check server:                  yes                          
  18) Spell server URL:                        http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
  19) Configure for use with mail proxy:       FALSE                        
  20) Configure for use with web proxy:        FALSE                        
  21) Enable version update checks:            TRUE                         
  22) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE                          
  23) Version update notification email:       admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
  24) Version update source email:             admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 10

Please enter the HTTP server port: [80] 8080

Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes                          
   3) Admin user to create:                    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   4) Admin Password                           set                          
   5) Enable automated spam training:          yes                          
   6) Spam training user:                      spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   7) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   8) Global Documents Account:                wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   9) SMTP host:                               zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    8080                         
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   443                          
  12) Web server mode:                         http                         
  13) IMAP server port:                        143                          
  14) IMAP server SSL port:                    993                          
  15) POP server port:                         110                          
  16) POP server SSL port:                     995                          
  17) Use spell check server:                  yes                          
  18) Spell server URL:                        http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
  19) Configure for use with mail proxy:       FALSE                        
  20) Configure for use with web proxy:        FALSE                        
  21) Enable version update checks:            TRUE                         
  22) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE                         
  23) Version update notification email:       admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
  24) Version update source email:             admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 11

Please enter the HTTPS server port: [443] 874

Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes                          
   3) Admin user to create:                    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   4) Admin Password                           set                          
   5) Enable automated spam training:          yes                          
   6) Spam training user:                      spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   7) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   8) Global Documents Account:                wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   9) SMTP host:                               zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    8080                         
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   874                          
  12) Web server mode:                         http                          
  13) IMAP server port:                        143                          
  14) IMAP server SSL port:                    993                          
  15) POP server port:                         110                          
  16) POP server SSL port:                     995                          
  17) Use spell check server:                  yes                          
  18) Spell server URL:                        http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
  19) Configure for use with mail proxy:       FALSE                        
  20) Configure for use with web proxy:        FALSE                        
  21) Enable version update checks:            TRUE                         
  22) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE                         
  23) Version update notification email:       admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
  24) Version update source email:             admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r]
Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:                                                 
   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled                      
   3) zimbra-store:                            Enabled                      
   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled                      
   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled                      
   6) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled                      
   7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled                      
   8) Default Class of Service Configuration:                               
   r) Start servers after configuration        yes                          
   s) Save config to file                                                    
   x) Expand menu                                                           
   q) Quit                                   

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) x

Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:                                                 
        +Hostname:                             zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap master host:                     zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap port:                            389                          
        +Ldap Admin password:                  set                          
        +Secure interprocess communications:   yes                           
        +TimeZone:                             America/Los_Angeles          

   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled                      
        +Create Domain:                        yes                          
        +Domain to create:                     zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap root password:                   set                          
        +Ldap replication password:            set                          
        +Ldap postfix password:                set                          
        +Ldap amavis password:                 set                          
        +Ldap nginx password:                  set                          

   3) zimbra-store:                            Enabled                      
        +Create Admin User:                    yes                          
        +Admin user to create:                 admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Admin Password                        set                           
        +Enable automated spam training:       yes                          
        +Spam training user:                   spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Non-spam(Ham) training user:          ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Global Documents Account:             wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +SMTP host:                            zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Web server HTTP port:                 8080                         
        +Web server HTTPS port:                874                          
        +Web server mode:                      http                         
        +IMAP server port:                     143                          
        +IMAP server SSL port:                 993                          
        +POP server port:                      110                          
        +POP server SSL port:                  995                          
        +Use spell check server:               yes                          
        +Spell server URL:                     http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
        +Configure for use with mail proxy:    FALSE                        
        +Configure for use with web proxy:     FALSE                        
        +Enable version update checks:         TRUE                         
        +Enable version update notifications:  TRUE                         
        +Version update notification email:    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Version update source email:          admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled                      
        +MTA Auth host:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Enable Spamassassin:                  yes                          
        +Enable Clam AV:                       yes                          
        +Notification address for AV alerts:   admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Bind password for postfix ldap user:  set                          
        +Bind password for amavis ldap user:   set                          

   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled                      
        +Enable SNMP notifications:            yes                          
        +SNMP Trap hostname:                   zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Enable SMTP notifications:            yes                          
        +SMTP Source email address:            admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +SMTP Destination email address:       admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

   6) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled                      
   7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled                      
   8) Default Class of Service Configuration:                               
        +Enable Instant Messaging Feature:     Disabled                     
        +Enable Briefcases Feature:            Enabled                       
        +Enable Tasks Feature:                 Enabled                      
        +Enable Notebook Feature:              Enabled                      

   c) Collapse menu                                                         
   r) Start servers after configuration        yes                          
   s) Save config to file                                                   
   q) Quit                                   

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) 2

Ldap configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Domain:                           yes                          
   3) Domain to create:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   4) Ldap root password:                      set                          
   5) Ldap replication password:               set                          
   6) Ldap postfix password:                   set                          
   7) Ldap amavis password:                    set                          
   8) Ldap nginx password:                     set                          

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4

Password for ldap root user (min 6 characters): [todHNxfK] Enter Password here

Ldap configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Domain:                           yes                          
   3) Domain to create:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   4) Ldap root password:                      set                          
   5) Ldap replication password:               set                          
   6) Ldap postfix password:                   set                          
   7) Ldap amavis password:                    set                          
   8) Ldap nginx password:                     set                          

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 5

Password for ldap replication user (min 6 characters): [todHNxfK] Enter Password here

Ldap configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Domain:                           yes                           
   3) Domain to create:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   4) Ldap root password:                      set                          
   5) Ldap replication password:               set                          
   6) Ldap postfix password:                   set                          
   7) Ldap amavis password:                    set                          
   8) Ldap nginx password:                     set                          

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 6

Password for ldap Postfix user (min 6 characters): [todHNxfK] Enter Password here

Ldap configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Domain:                           yes                          
   3) Domain to create:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   4) Ldap root password:                      set                          
   5) Ldap replication password:               set                           
   6) Ldap postfix password:                   set                          
   7) Ldap amavis password:                    set                          
   8) Ldap nginx password:                     set                          

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 7

Password for ldap Amavis user (min 6 characters): [todHNxfK] Enter Password here

Ldap configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Domain:                           yes                          
   3) Domain to create:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   4) Ldap root password:                      set                          
   5) Ldap replication password:               set                           
   6) Ldap postfix password:                   set                          
   7) Ldap amavis password:                    set                          
   8) Ldap nginx password:                     set                           

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 8

Password for ldap Nginx user (min 6 characters): [todHNxfK] Enter Password here

Ldap configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) Create Domain:                           yes                          
   3) Domain to create:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   4) Ldap root password:                      set                          
   5) Ldap replication password:               set                          
   6) Ldap postfix password:                   set                          
   7) Ldap amavis password:                    set                          
   8) Ldap nginx password:                     set                           

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r]
Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:                                                 
        +Hostname:                             zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap master host:                     zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap port:                            389                          
        +Ldap Admin password:                  set                          
        +Secure interprocess communications:   yes                          
        +TimeZone:                             America/Los_Angeles          

   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled                      
        +Create Domain:                        yes                           
        +Domain to create:                     zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap root password:                   set                          
        +Ldap replication password:            set                          
        +Ldap postfix password:                set                          
        +Ldap amavis password:                 set                          
        +Ldap nginx password:                  set                          

   3) zimbra-store:                            Enabled                      
        +Create Admin User:                    yes                          
        +Admin user to create:                 admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Admin Password                        set                          
        +Enable automated spam training:       yes                          
        +Spam training user:                   spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Non-spam(Ham) training user:          ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Global Documents Account:             wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +SMTP host:                            zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Web server HTTP port:                 8080                         
        +Web server HTTPS port:                874                          
        +Web server mode:                      http                         
        +IMAP server port:                     143                           
        +IMAP server SSL port:                 993                          
        +POP server port:                      110                          
        +POP server SSL port:                  995                          
        +Use spell check server:               yes                          
        +Spell server URL:                     http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
        +Configure for use with mail proxy:    FALSE                        
        +Configure for use with web proxy:     FALSE                        
        +Enable version update checks:         TRUE                         
        +Enable version update notifications:  TRUE                         
        +Version update notification email:    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Version update source email:          admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled                      
        +MTA Auth host:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Enable Spamassassin:                  yes                          
        +Enable Clam AV:                       yes                          
        +Notification address for AV alerts:   admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Bind password for postfix ldap user:  set                          
        +Bind password for amavis ldap user:   set                          

   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled                       
        +Enable SNMP notifications:            yes                          
        +SNMP Trap hostname:                   zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Enable SMTP notifications:            yes                          
        +SMTP Source email address:            admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +SMTP Destination email address:       admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

   6) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled                      
   7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled                      
   8) Default Class of Service Configuration:                               
        +Enable Instant Messaging Feature:     Disabled                     
        +Enable Briefcases Feature:            Enabled                      
        +Enable Tasks Feature:                 Enabled                      
        +Enable Notebook Feature:              Enabled                      

   c) Collapse menu                                                          
   r) Start servers after configuration        yes                          
   s) Save config to file                                                   
   q) Quit                                   

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) 4

Mta configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) MTA Auth host:                           zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   3) Enable Spamassassin:                     yes                          
   4) Enable Clam AV:                          yes                          
   5) Notification address for AV alerts:      admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   6) Bind password for postfix ldap user:     set                          
   7) Bind password for amavis ldap user:      set                          

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 6

Password for ldap Postfix user (min 6 characters): [Enter Password here]

Mta configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled                      
   2) MTA Auth host:                           zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
   3) Enable Spamassassin:                     yes                           
   4) Enable Clam AV:                          yes                          
   5) Notification address for AV alerts:      admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
   6) Bind password for postfix ldap user:     set                           
   7) Bind password for amavis ldap user:      set                          

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] r

Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:                                                 
        +Hostname:                             zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap master host:                     zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap port:                            389                          
        +Ldap Admin password:                  set                           
        +Secure interprocess communications:   yes                          
        +TimeZone:                             America/Los_Angeles          

   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled                       
        +Create Domain:                        yes                          
        +Domain to create:                     zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Ldap root password:                   set                          
        +Ldap replication password:            set                          
        +Ldap postfix password:                set                          
        +Ldap amavis password:                 set                          
        +Ldap nginx password:                  set                          

   3) zimbra-store:                            Enabled                      
        +Create Admin User:                    yes                          
        +Admin user to create:                 admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Admin Password                        set                          
        +Enable automated spam training:       yes                          
        +Spam training user:                   spam._ps9hn1vo@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Non-spam(Ham) training user:          ham.qvmswabbuk@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Global Documents Account:             wiki@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +SMTP host:                            zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Web server HTTP port:                 8080                         
        +Web server HTTPS port:                874                          
        +Web server mode:                      http                          
        +IMAP server port:                     143                          
        +IMAP server SSL port:                 993                          
        +POP server port:                      110                          
        +POP server SSL port:                  995                          
        +Use spell check server:               yes                          
        +Spell server URL:                     http://zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu:7780/aspell.php
        +Configure for use with mail proxy:    FALSE                        
        +Configure for use with web proxy:     FALSE                        
        +Enable version update checks:         TRUE                         
        +Enable version update notifications:  TRUE                         
        +Version update notification email:    admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Version update source email:          admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled                      
        +MTA Auth host:                        zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Enable Spamassassin:                  yes                          
        +Enable Clam AV:                       yes                           
        +Notification address for AV alerts:   admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +Bind password for postfix ldap user:  set                          
        +Bind password for amavis ldap user:   set                          

   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled                      
        +Enable SNMP notifications:            yes                          
        +SNMP Trap hostname:                   zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu  
        +Enable SMTP notifications:            yes                          
        +SMTP Source email address:            admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu
        +SMTP Destination email address:       admin@zim201.team2.cniss.cptc.edu

   6) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled                      
   7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled                      
   8) Default Class of Service Configuration:                               
        +Enable Instant Messaging Feature:     Disabled                     
        +Enable Briefcases Feature:            Enabled                      
        +Enable Tasks Feature:                 Enabled                      
        +Enable Notebook Feature:              Enabled                       

   c) Collapse menu                                                         
   r) Start servers after configuration        yes                          
   s) Save config to file                                                   
   q) Quit                                   

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a