Untangle Server Documentation

Untangle Install
1.       Press F12 for boot menu. Select boot from CD.
2.       Select Graphical Install (normal)
3.       Select English
4.       Select American English
5.       Select Pacific time zone
6.       Click continue
7.       Click yes to format “It will go through formating and installing the base system”
8.       Click continue
9.       Click the top option
10.   Select English, Click next
11.   Click next
12.   Set password and time zone
13.   Select network card- eth0
14.   Change IP to static. IP:, netmask:, Gateway:, PrimDNS:, 2ndDNS:
15.   Set router IP:, netmask:, Disable DHCP
16.   Set up email. Click advanced, put the email address to team email, set the from address to untangle@team1.com
17.   Test email
18.   Click finish
19.   Select the lite package
20.   Click download
21.   Click create an account tab
22.   Add info to create account
23.   Close account window when told to
24.   The download will start.

Untangle setup after install
1.       Put in DNS information for each server, client, and the untangle box on the untangle server under the DNS tab.
2.       Create a new rule in windows for ICMP.
3.       Go to Windows Firewall in Control panel
4.       Click on Advanced settings in left side
5.       Select Inbound Rule, Right clink on it and select New Rule
6.       Select Custom
7.       Click on Protocol type and select ICMPv4
8.       Click next until finished