Team2 LAMP Server Installation--Draft
Part 1
1. Review hardware of the intended server using Belarc Advisor. If no operating system is currently installed, do a physical inspection of the inside of the machine. NOTE: All passwords will be P@ssw0rd until the last phase. Only exception is the MySQL server. See install notes for that server.
2. Install Ubuntu 10.04 following the prompts to install as a LAMP server.
3. IP information:
2. Subnet mask =
3. Default gateway =
4. Partitions:
1. 20GB, mount at / (root) with ext 3 file system.
2. 18GB, mount at /home with ext 3 file system.
3. 2GB, mount as swap.
5. Login Information:
1. Administrator name and password:
1. Login: adminteam2.
2. Password: P@ssw0rd.
2. Proxy- Leave blank for now.
3. Security-Automatic updates.
4. Install as LAMP server.
5. MySQL server Administrator name and password:
1. Login: root.
2. Password: root.
6. Use Grub as the OS loader—Yes.
7. Reboot and login as adminteam2.
8. Update the server: 'sudo apt-get updates' to bring the server up to date.
Part 2
1. Install Webmin:
1. From the root, run: wget
2. Unpack the tar file into the root directory:
3. tar -xzf webmin-1.570.tar.gz
4. Change directory to the directory webmin was unpacked into, run:
1. ./
2. This install should install Webmin into the /etc/webmin folder, and the logfile directory into /var/webmin.
3. Confirm Perl directory is /usr/bin/perl.
4. Modify Webmin server port to 8088 to not cause conflicts with Untangle.
5. Same login and password: adminteam2, P@ssw0rd.
6. Set to start at boot = yes.
2. Install OpenSSH Server: See attached document: “How to setup SFTP access on our LAMP server.”Insure 'Port 22' is listed under line “#What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for.”
Part 2 (continued)
3. Install GUI:
1. sudo apt-get update && apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
2. Reboot and login as adminteam2.
3. Browse to Synaptic Package Manager and install updates.
4. Browse to Synaptic Package Manager and install phpMyAdmin.
1. Or from the command line: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-MySQL phpMyAdmin
2. Select apache2 as server to install under.
3. Configure MySQL database with dbconfig-common = Yes.
4. Use adminteam2 and P@sw0rd for phpMyAdmin logons.
5. Browse to Synaptic Package Manager and install Filezilla: Use standard account information for logins and passwords.
4. Verify installations:
1. Open a browser and type in to access the Webmin page.
2. Open a browser and type in to access the Team 2 webpage.
3. Open a browser and type in http://localhost/testing.php to test phpMyAdmin.
4. Open a browser and type in to access the phpMyAdmin page.
Part 3
1. Install GnuPG using attached Gimpster's Guide to GnuPG encryption and key sharing.
2. After installation, from a terminal as root, run:
apt-get install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring
apt-get update
3. Attempt to encrypt and decrypt a file